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Pulling Local Government Data Together to Make Big Decisions

95% of all towns in the United States are small towns, meaning they are under 50,000 residents! We offer towns of all sizes, but especially those under-staffed and overlooked by advanced technology, the opportunity to thrive in ways previously unimagined. It's about leveraging the power of technology and innovative solutions to put strategies in place for big problems like affordable housing, economic development, and climate change but to also enhance public services and improve the quality of life for residents, all while preserving the unique character that make towns of all sizes special.


Our technology aims to help fulfill the UNITED NATIONS #11 GOAL:
Create Sustainable Cities and Communities

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Local Governments have an Information Problem

​The information problem in local government is two-fold. On one end we must navigate a complex and regulated environment often overwhelmed with information, and, yet, on the other end, we lack access to on-demand data to make well-informed decisions.

Then we wonder why it takes so long to get the right information to make decisions?


Local Governments Solve Big Problems

Government staff are the life blood of our municipal operations. But they are some of the most overworked and quickest to burn out when compared to their private sector counterparts. They often wear multiple hats just to keep the town going.


88% of local government boards are ran by volunteers. These public servants have full-time jobs outside of the countless hours they dedicate to these government boards.


The learning curve for staff and boards is steep. These volunteers have to solve big problems. The work is complicated and hard. It's under appreciated work.  And we wonder why the boards turn over so frequently?

The Solution: Democra-Sized Insights for Local Government Leaders

Local government staff, boards, and citizens need on-demand municipal data integrated with top-tier public data and research to expedite learning, improve decision-making, and perform simulations to assess the impact to their towns and cities. They don't need generic outputs like what they get from typical AI solutions. They need real insights to big issues like affordable housing, economic development, and emergency management.

But more importantly, they need specific insights right-sized to the uniqueness of their town. 

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Why an AI-driven data hub expressed as a digital twin of your town?

Saved Time & Expedited Learning. Municipal leaders need timely access to information, whether it’s recalling last month’s meeting discussions or finding specific sections of code. Furthermore, staff and boards need a digital assistant by their side to help them learn the complex environment of local government.

Empowerment. Local governments often hire expensive consultants for detailed insights, despite having valuable data themselves. With the right analytical tools, municipalities can leverage their own data to expedite decision-making, becoming brokers of this information rather than outsourcing it.

Resource Optimization. Local governments often face budget constraints and limited resources. AI and digital twins trained on local government will lead to automations and workflows to increase productivity.

Smart Community Pressure. Many governments are pushing smart city initiatives, but once again, these solutions are not developed with 95% of communities in mind. Our advanced data analytics hub + digital twin technology allow municipal governments of all sizes to participate with a low-barrier of entry.

Economic Development. Local Governments that adopt AI and advanced data analytic technologies can gain a competitive advantage in attracting businesses, residents, and investment. Developers can use the town's integrated data sets to assess the viability of their projects.

Citizen Satisfaction. Enhance citizen satisfaction by streamlining services, improving communication, and enabling more informed decision-making. When citizens see that their local government can quickly address issues, respond to concerns, and provide helpful information, trust and satisfaction increase.

Our Philosophy

Helping you build out your resilient communities requires a resilient foundation, so, we have some rules in how we approach our business.

Tree Leaves

Power in Simplicity

 Our technology is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, ensuring that users can easily navigate and benefit without being overwhelmed by complexity. This approach makes our technology accessible to a wider audience, facilitating seamless integration into everyday tasks.

Friendly Handshake

Fairly Trained

Fairness is integral to our AI training process. We are committed to eliminating biases in our AI systems by using diverse and representative data sets but also establishing fair and equitable partnerships for proprietary data. Safe and responsible AI is the best AI.

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Adaptability will be the most important skillset in the AI and quantum era. Therefore our technology and our team are designed to evolve and improve continuously, adapting to new data and changing environments. This flexibility ensures that our AI and our teams remain relevant and effective.

About Us

A Mayor Pro Tem and AI Leader Join Forces
My Town AI came about from Nichole's experience in public service and as a long-time technologist. When it came time to build My Town AI her first call was to Kavita, a talented AI software leader. Not only are they passionate about AI for Good but they love building great software to solve big problems.

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